Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our weekend!

Taylor and I took Banks to the Strawberry Park Easter Egg Hunt Sturday morning. We left Leigh with my mom because she has a cold and it was a little windy. This is Banks and Emma (a little girl from his Mother's Morning Out class). He did a great job of finding eggs!!

Banks found a LIZARD on the swingset. He and Taylor played with him for a little while then the lizard had to be let go to "go find his mommy!"

Also Saturday morning, Taylor took John and Will turkey hunting and WILL KILLED A TURKEY!! We were so proud of him. That night John, Amy, and Will came over for a turkey fry! The boys had a great time playing with it.

Will with his first bird!!

Here are the boys with Mr. Turkey.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What we've been up to...

Taylor has been getting the garden started again this year! We went to a friend of his grandmothers in Canton to get some good soil. We knew that he was going to use a front end loader (yes...I know all of the different trucks now!!) so we took Banks. While we were there, the cows started mooing! Banks loved it!! We had a great time.

Yes, Leigh is eating rice cereal already! Where has the time gone. She is 4 months already! We are a little you can see she does not like plastic spoons....but you put her cereal on a SILVER spoon...and she eats it all! I think we have a little princess who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth LITERALLY!!!

Taylor gave Leigh her first bite of REAL food!! Someone already has her daddy wrapped around his little finger!!

My mom and I took Banks to see the REAL Thomas the Train in Birmingham Friday morning. Here he is when he spotted Thomas!!

ZZ, Julie, and Wyatt met us in Birmingham. The boys loved seeing Thomas! As you can see, we hopped aboard and rode the REAL Thomas!! It was great!!


Inside one of the tents, the boys could play with all the different trains.

This was a man dressed up as Sir Topham Hat. Banks and Wyatt were not to fond of we had to get in the picture with them!!

Hopping aboardThomas and giving our ticket to the train conductor!

Look...we are riding Thomas!!!!! (me, Banks, and my mom)

One of the train conductors came and talked to us while we were riding. Banks thought this was really cool!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring break '09

My mom and I took Banks and Leigh to Orange Beach for spring break. Mimi & Papa, Diana, Salli & her two children, Hadley, and Aunt Debby also were there. We had a GREAT time. Having 5 children under the age of 3 1/2...there was never a dull moment. Banks had a great time playing with his cousins. Taylor was in New York competing against other law schools in a "debabte" type thing. We missed him so much but talked to him the whole time we were gone!

Banks has gotten so big! He loved the ocean and the sand (which is an improvement from last year!!)

We actually took Leigh to the beach one morning. Mimi held her the whole time No we did not get her in the water!! Here are Mimi, Banks, and Leigh!

3 of the 5 taking a time out from playing to have a snack!

Banks loved helping Salli build a sand castle!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Leigh and Banks

I'm jazzy.

Wait...I think I see something. It might be a bottle.

I love my daddy--double chin and all!

Banks loves swimming with Ms. Lisa at Maley's. It's good
exercise for a two year old!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

MSU basketball

We took Banks to his first MSU basketball game. He absolutely loved it. He was not to sure about it when they turned the lights out to announce the players but other than that it was GREAT! He was SO good.

Go Bulldogs!!

Did I mention that it was a 2:00 game. Eventhough he has been trying to giv e up his nap. All the excitedment wore him out. He slept through half time and the first few minutes of the second half. Then he was back up again cheering! It was a GREAT game!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Playing with Will

John, Amy, and Will came over the other night to cook out. The boys played so well together (until the fact that Banks did not take a nap caught up with him!) Here are the boys with their daddys. I promise that I did not place the Hogwash in the picture but hey...any advertising helps!!

Banks and Will were chasing each other trying to get the ball. Look at those cute faces! (Banks was in his PJs! That is not an outfit!)

Daddy is doing it all! I do have to say that I have the best husband in the world. He is such a big help. We love him so much.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our two angels

Looks who's sleeping in his big boy bed!! He loves it. Although he still sleeps with 20 animals...he has much more room!! He is such a big boy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Baptism and a few random pictures

Leigh and I tried to have a photo shoot the other day. Needless to say, it is very difficult to do this by yourself when her head would not stay up! I thought this one was cute though.

This is how Banks looks ofter. Like I posted earlier, he always gives her a hug and says, "I love you Leigh Wilson".

We had Leigh baptised at church this morning. Leigh was wonderful. She did not scream at all. After church we had our family over to our house for brunch. I have a few more pictures that I will post later. It was a beautiful day to share with our family. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families and two beautiful and healthy children. God has truely enriched our lives and for that we are greatful.

I think I am going to get this one in black and white!


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Banks, Leigh and I went over to play with Carter and Helen yesterday morning. We did not get any pictures of Carter and Banks but we did get a few of Leigh. I had her in her carrier ready to go home when we took these pictures. I think Helen needs to be a full time photographer. She does such a great job! Banks and Carter had a great time playing. Carter was such a big time when we were giving Leigh a bottle. She is going to be such a great big sister when Caroline comes. Thanks Carter for sharing all your toys and you can come to our house and have a popsicle anytime!! Eventhough it is right before lunch! hee hee!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I love my sister!!

Banks absolutely loves his sister. He is always wanting to help us give her a bottle and stuff the pacifier in her mouth! In the mornings he asks her if she slept well!! Here is he giving her a kiss. Look at those chunky legs!! Notice the camo hat...he and Taylor went to Bass Pro Shop and that is what they came home with!

"I love you Leigh Wilson" (He insists on calling her this!)